Instructions for use

History of periodontitis

Enter yes if the patient has a history of periodontitis. The history of periodontitis can be evaluated by assessing the presence of periodontal bone loss on radiographs, or by examining dental records to determine if teeth have been lost due to periodontitis. The patient may also be able to provide the reason for tooth loss. In edentulous patients, N.A. is selected if the history of periodontitis is unknown.

Number of sites with BOP

Enter the number of tooth and implant sites with BOP.


Enter the number of tooth and implant sites with probing depths of 5 mm or more.

% Alveolar bone loss

Enter the % of estimated alveolar bone loss at the worst affected tooth site. The estimation of the loss of alveolar bone is performed in either periapical radiographs in which the worst tooth site affected is grossly estimated in % of the root length or on bitewing radiographs in which the worst site affected is estimated in mm. On bitewing radiographs 1 mm is considered to be equal to 10% bone loss.

Periodontitis susceptibility

Enter the Stage and Grade according to the 2017 World Workshop on Classification of Periodontal Diseases (see reference (Table 1A and 1B).)

Supportive Periodontal Therapy (SPT)

Enter the compliance and supportive care frequency of the patient. Options are Compliant with SPT, recall interval ≤ 5 months, recall interval 6 months, casual attender, no supportive therapy.

Restorative margin (RM) to bone (mm)

Estimate the distance from the restorative margin of the implant-supported prosthesis to the bone crest in mm. This is determined from a radiograph made at the time of restoration. If a radiograph at the time of prosthesis delivery is not available a radiograph should be taken at the time of examination and risk assessment. If there are multiple implant restorations choose the one with the least distance from the restorative margin to the bone crest.

Implant Prosthesis

Enter an assessment of prosthesis-related factors. Options are cleanable, poor fit with supramucosal margins, poor fit with submucosal margins, excess cement, not cleanable.


Lisa J.A. Heitz‐Mayfield Fritz Heitz Niklaus P. Lang (2020) Implant Disease Risk Assessment IDRA ‐ a tool for preventing peri‐implant disease.

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